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  1. Site Page: 2022 Big Bushfire BioBlitz: Results – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 3rd August 2022 The 2019/20 bushfires across Australia had devastating impacts for humans and the environment. However, these bushfire events also elicited strong community interest in aiding the recovery efforts to rehabilitate the natural environment...

  2. Site Page: ALA Annual User Satisfaction Survey: 2022 Results – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 3rd August 2022 We asked and you answered! Many thanks to all our users who responded to our User Satisfaction Survey in May 2022. All responses received, including comments and suggestions for improvements to the ALA, help us shape the work we do and will inform improvements to the ALA. Access a text (.docx) version of the results Back to ALA Newsletter August 2022 Back to Articles

  3. Site Page: ALA Newsletter August 2022 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 4th August 2022 Atlas of Living Australia Newsletter August 2022 Tags: Newsletter Back to Articles

  4. Site Page: National Science Week 2022 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 19th August 2022 In August 2022 the ALA celebrated National Science Week! It was exciting to share, discuss and celebrate science with you over a series of three online events throughout the week. Hear from ALA and Industry experts discussing careers in STEM, learn how to use the ALA R-package galah and follow along for an introductory how-to beginner’s guide to the ALA...

  5. Site Page: Atlas of Living Australia Year in Review 2021–22 – Atlas of Living Australia

    Download the PDF (4.5 MB) Atlas of Living Australia Year in Review 2021–22, Atlas of Living Australia, Publication series No. 5, Canberra, Australia, pp. 24.

  6. Site Page: Q4 Conferences – Where to find ALA – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 14th October 2022 Across October – December 2022 you’ll find ALA at a number of in-person and virtual events. These events offer a fantastic opportunity to network, share knowledge and connect. See below for where to find the ALA. Events across October to December 2022 where ALA will be present eResearch Australasia Conference 2022 – Brisbane 17-20 October 2022 ALA will have a booth at this event...

  7. Site Page: Are you sitting on camera trap data? – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 1st November 2022 WildObs would like to hear about your camera trap work! WildObs banner (TERN) Our friends at WildObs are conducting a review of camera trapping in Australia. This review will help establish a useful synthesis centre devoted to curating vertebrate data. The team are seeking metadata from camera trapping surveys to assist in the project and are offering co-authorship upon receipt of data...

  8. Site Page: Spooky Species – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 31st October 2023 Does it croak or growl, have fangs or howl? Does it scream at night or give you a fright? 🎃 Many iconic living (or dead) things that are seen around Halloween are inspired by species in the natural world! Check out some of the most spook-tacular Aussie species! Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) Museums Victoria CC BY NC Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) Talk about a creature from nightmares, the Goblin Shark is one of the most illusive deep-sea sharks known to...

  9. Site Page: Welcome to the November 2022 edition of our newsletter – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 2nd November 2022 Welcome to our November newsletter Dr. Andre Zerger – Atlas of Living Australia Director In this issue, we are pleased to present you with our Year in Review for 2021-22. Our Year in Review showcases ALA’s highlights, and reflects on the fundamental contribution made by our partners in supporting our mission...

  10. Site Page: Sneak peek of our new API portal – Atlas of Living Australia

    Posted on 1st November 2022 We’ve just released a new API gateway to access our APIs:! Over 130 API endpoints have been migrated across to Swagger in a beta release, and we’re working on making more available very soon. ALA is passionate about empowering and supporting great research, so we’ve released APIs which were only used internally in the past...