
datasets have provided data to the Atlas of Living Australia for this species.

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Names and sources

Accepted Name Source
Muellerina celastroides (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Tiegh.
  • APC
According to:Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census
Published in:Tieghem, P.E.L. van (1895), Sur les Loranthoidées de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 42 [25]
Synonym Source
Loranthus celastroides var. typicus Domin homotypic nom. inval.
  • APC
Published in:Domin, K. (1921), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 22(89) [606]
Loranthus celastroides Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f. var. celastroides homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Domin, K. (1921), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 22(89) [606]
Phrygilanthus tenuiflorus (Hook.f.) Engl. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Engler, H.G.A. in Engler, H.G.A. & Prantl, K.A.E. (August 1897), Loranthaceae. Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Nachtrage zum II bis IV Teil Nachtr. 1 [134]
Phrygilanthus raoulii (Tiegh.) Engl. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Engler, H.G.A. in Engler, H.G.A. & Prantl, K.A.E. (August 1897), Loranthaceae. Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Nachtrage zum II bis IV Teil Nachtr. 1 [134]
Muellerina raoulii (Tiegh.) Tiegh. heterotypic
  • APC
Loranthus raoulii Tiegh. heterotypic
  • APC
Hookerella tenuiflora (Hook.f.) Tiegh. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Tieghem, P.E.L. van (1895), Sur les Loranthoidées de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 42 [26]
Amyema maytenifolia (A.Gray) Tiegh. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Tieghem, P.E.L. van (1895), Sur les Loranthoidées d'Australie. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 42 [84, 87]
Phrygilanthus celastroides (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Eichler homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Eichler, A.W. in Martius, C.F.P. von (15 July 1868), Loranthaceae. Flora Brasiliensis 5(2) [48]
Loranthus maytenifolius A.Gray heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Gray, A. (1854), United States Exploring Expedition Phanerogamia 1 [739, t. 99]
Loranthus tenuiflorus Hook.f. heterotypic
  • APC
Published in:Hooker, J.D. (1852), The botany of the Antarctic voyage of H.M. discovery ships Erebus and Terror. II. Flora Novae-Zelandiae 1(2) [100]
Loranthus celastroides Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f. homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Schultes, J.A. & Schultes, J.H. (1830), Systema Vegetabilium Edn. 16, 7(2) [163, 1614, 1784]
Dendrophthoe celastroides (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Mart. homotypic
  • APC
Published in:Martius, C.F.P. von (1830), Flora: oder Allgemeine Botanischer Zeitung 13 [110]
Common Name Source
Coast Mistletoe preferred Australia Australia
Coast Mistletoe Australia Australia
  • APC
Name Source
Muellerina celastroides (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Tiegh. accepted
  • NZOR
Muellerina celastroides (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Tiegh. accepted
  • APC
Identifier Source Taxon unknown
  • APC Taxon Concept current
  • APC Scientific Name current
  • APC Taxon current
  • APC Scientific Name current
  • NZOR
NZOR-6-43094 Taxon current
  • NZOR


Muellerina celastroides

Charts showing breakdown of occurrence records (0 records)

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Categorical Traits

* Data sources in AusTraits report multiple values for this trait, suggesting variation across the taxon's range and life stages. Please download the raw data with information about the context of data collection to assess whether they are relevant to your project.
Trait Name Trait Value Definition

Numeric Traits

Trait Name Min Mean Max Unit Definition